And I am off....!

03.23.2006 at 6:20 p.m.

I am so sorry for the lack of updates this week! I am doing ok though, I promise.

Actually I am doing better than ok. I am REALLY looking forward to my trip this weekend. I am just really, really NOT looking forward to the plane rides.

The weather is supposed to be good in Chicago, and Missouri for me at least though... so hopefully the plane will not hit too many bumps.

Anyway, I just wanted to put something in here - I will have lots to update on though on Tuesday however I am SURE! And many, many pictures!

Just everyone cross your fingers for me, I am really, really petrified to fly.

Ohhhh! I do have one other thing to mention. I joined a gym this week! My husband joined over the weekend, and he was telling me all about it - so I got this wild hair and just went for it. Oh. My. God. I hurt - E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. I am even more out of shape than I thought. For my first trip there I got this training session with a "personal trainer" - and I did not want to seem like a total light weight so I really, REALLY pushed myself... which is good - but wow was I feeling it that night. Then yesterday I went to the group Yoga class. First off, I loved it, and will keep going. But then THAT made me realize just how totally NOT flexible I am. And it also made muscles sore and ache I did not even realize I HAD.

But... it is all for a very, very good cause. I can't wait to get into better shape, especially now...

My husband told me the other day.... "Plan a vacation, for us for anywhere." Well, he knew darn well the first place on my "to visit" list. Especially if he is expecting it to be JUST he and I. (Meaning my mom and brother would be working overtime for a week... but my husband and I could REALLY use some time together like that, so I am for it.) Of course, my choice is Hawaii. So.... I have been scouring the internet for places to visit, and getting guides sent to me, and all that fun stuff. (If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to them!)

Ok, I guess this turned into a little more of an entry than I expected... well, wish me luck and think good thoughts for me tomorrow! - Hey, I may even be able to update from the Hotel Sunday night before I come home... I forgot, we have a laptop now!

Heard in my house: My son's "battle cry" as he runs up and down the hall. Sounds like a little Indian - translates to TROUBLE!

Something Extra: Nikia's Diary!

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at


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