
kat - 2004-03-06 14:43:10
Your comments about Tourette's syndrome have upset me. I don't mean to be offensive, but I wanted to set the record straight about something. Perhaps your neighbor is just a really obnoxious guy who yells a lot. That isn't Tourette's syndrome. And if he really has this illness, then you should cut the guy a little slack. It is impossible for a person with this problem to control their vocalizations, although I'm sure they would like to. I know a small child who has this illness, and if you knew how difficult it is for him, you would have a lot more sympathy for your neighbor. I'm sorry if I offend, but I felt that what you wrote was repeating a misconception about Tourette's (namely, that people with this disorder CHOOSE to vocalize inappropriately) and it made me sad. I hope that instead of becoming angry at me, you might hesitate a moment before judging those around you as harshly.
kat - 2004-03-08 23:11:35
Apology accepted. :)

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