
~K - 2004-08-24 11:29:18
Your husband is a dick. I'm sorry but I couldn't hold back any longer.
LJ - 2004-08-24 12:03:10
Way to lay it on the line!! I'm very proud of you (woman to woman). There comes a time when you can no longer live life as a rug. I truly hope he gets the point and realizes what a jerkwad he's been. But the bigger questions is ... what will you do next? Blessings - LJ
Kaire - 2004-08-24 12:18:53
Good for you for standing up for yourself! ... and I'm sure he'll just get his dick in a knot if he's thought badly upon, but that's his problem. If he's how a good loving husband acts, I'll stay single forever!
Pandionna - 2004-08-24 14:13:36
That's why I didn't comment. But I will say this: Unlike most of the people who commented in your previous entry, I can see both sides of it. Andrew, you're a brilliant guy. But pick up your own damn coffee cup when you're done with your java. Doesn't matter that you're in an office and Lisa is home. Lisa is there for your kids day in and day out picking up after THEM. Hell, I just started throwing my husband's stuff out when he stopped picking up after himself. I told him he's lucky I don't shove it up his ass. And if you're tempted to sleep with someone else, why not think about it overnight, first? Lisa, I love you to death, and I'm glad you're standing up for yourself. But, (said gently), sweetie, you've got a lot of anger and it comes out when you call the women he slept with "whores." Sometimes you say you're trying to move on, but if you're still angry, how can you truly forgive him? And if you can't forgive him, there's no hope. Now, see, you know what my marriage is like, and what I'm going through, and you're probably thinking I'm a fine one to talk, but think it through. When someone cheats, it's a sign that BOTH people in the marriage have let something slip. It's never just one person's fault. One more thing: I appreciate everyone rallying behind you in the last comments section. But calling someone's husband a dick serves no purpose and does NO ONE any good. I call my husband an asshole all the time. But that's my prerogative. I can't speak for Lisa, but I can say that as many issues as I have with my husband, if someone else calls him a name, they better duck.
Des - 2004-08-24 17:48:57
Do you ever wonder if maybe your marriage, being just now on a path to recovery (a rocky path by the looks of it) may not benefit from this sort of forum? I think it's great for YOU personally...but for the marriage? You defending your husband's faults, him attacking people that are just trying to support just seems so destructive. Maybe I'm happens far more often than I care to admit [smile] Anyhow, I too stuck to a "glad you are home" because the things I would want to say to you wouldn't be very nice...and I know your husband reads here. And I don't ever want to step on toes...but I want you to know that i understand what you are going through in many many I go through a lot of them too. But also, there are things I never would stand for...okay, I'm done before I say something I feel bad about.
betty - 2004-08-24 20:33:28
*points up* what Des said.
Lisa - 2004-08-25 17:52:21
Regarding a comment left in my previous entry, and to anyone whom may be wondering: Bailie, and anyone else whom may be interested... this diary will never become a locked diary. I would be better off to just stop writing, rather than to lock up the diary, the entire point would be lost. This diary is here for me, to give me a place to vent, to give me a place to hear what others think of my situation, and that will NOT change. Thanks for the suggestion, but it is against the entire point of why I write.
candora - 2004-08-25 20:37:15
reading just the last two entries I find myself wondering if are you both always in defensive-attack mode, or is it just when you come here...
Andrew (Lisa's husband) - 2004-08-25 22:39:00
to "K" as you hubby put it in today's entry, "I didn't know you were that fucked in the head". andrew
~K - 2004-08-26 10:49:21
Andrew, I don't hide by leaving my link out of the comments. If you have something to say to me, please say it TO ME. I don't usually come back to sites to check out who said what, it was only by chance that I came here today and saw your reply. I'm sure it made you feel good to say that, and for that I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for Lisa. By your actions and comments here, you're only validating everyones beliefs that you are in fact a dick.

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