
Erin - 2004-11-03 18:21:52
Your kids are adorable!! Your pumpkins were awesome too. I hope your husband got that job.
Amber - 2004-11-04 12:24:29
Your kids are so cute, your daughter looked very nice in her dress! The pumpkins rock (mine was a cat, but it didn't turn out near as good as yours). I hope your husband gets that job too! *hugs*
Nikia - 2004-11-04 16:22:49
I said a prayer for Andrew after you and I got offline. LOOK AT MY BABIES!!! LOL They are too cute! The pumpkins are pretty amazing too! You go you homemaker you! Nikki =)
Melody - 2004-11-13 18:16:52
Oh my god!! Look at those pumpkins! How in the world did you make them?? Did it involve a magic wand and abracadabra? LOL The pictures of the kids are so cute :-) And thanks for the feedback on my banners. :-) Actually until recently I didn't know how to make animated gifs either... so I just learned! But I updated today's diary entry to include information about how to make an animated gif - I added it to the end of the entry. :-) Hope that helps. :-)

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