
Melody - 2004-11-14 17:50:45
Guys will use any means necessary to get sex, I think, ESPECIALLY guilt trips! The one I hate is where they take it as a personal insult if you do not want to have sex with them (like you must not love them anymore)... and I could understand if it had been days or weeks since you last had sex, but not when you've been doing it every day and one day you feel like STAYING ASLEEP between the hours of 2am-5am. :-P Men are so not understanding about that kind of thing! Well, okay, just my man. Don't want to stereotype the whole 50% of the population based on just one example. ;-) I was just reading your entry, and thought, what a great name for that, because that's what it is! It's a "guilt trip" for sex! Try to make you feel bad for them, so that you'll give them what they want. Thanks for the entry. ;-)
rie rie - 2004-11-14 18:28:39
I get that crap, too. Pisses me off. Don't they understand that if your desire is at a low level, guilt tripping will completely shut it off? I'm sorry your hip is hurting you so badly. Hope it eases off soon.
Pandionna - 2004-11-14 20:41:07
Sex? What's that? ;-) Seriously, though, I hope you feel better soon. Pain sucks, to put it mildly.
The Burnman - 2004-11-14 21:29:29
Now ladies... let us not assume that all guys are horrid pigs with nothing on their minds but sexuality. I, for one, have a decently active sexual appetite, but I do not expect nor require sex from my beloved Sky. If she is truly not in the mood, why would I want to "convince" her to be? I want our lovemaking to be mutually desired... otherwise... what's the point?
angelia - 2004-11-15 00:30:52
Hey, sorry bout the hip :( I cannot have any sort of sex when my hip act up - even if i really want to. Can you email me the password. Angelia
Jessica - 2004-11-15 07:14:44
Sorry to hear your hip is in so much pain... your husband should be more sympathetic. Something tells me that he's feeling a blow to his ego for some reason... sometimes guys are so stupid. Can you email me the password info for your diary? [email protected] Thanks!
Amber - 2004-11-15 14:32:55
I hope your hip starts to feel better and I'm sorry to hear about the other half giving you a hard time about sex. My ex boyfriend used to do the guilt trip about sex thing with me and I HATED it! I am so lucky to be with my current boyfriend....we could go a month with out sex and he still wouldn't guilt trip me about it. *hugs*
AlmostNormal - 2004-11-15 17:03:02
I hate to be the jag who differs from the normal train of thought here...but when my husband does that I give him a blow job. It takes five minutes, he sleeps happy, and I can do it in a variety of positions so usually I can find one that's comfortable for me. The key is to determine when they want it, and beat them to the punch, because once a husband starts to whine, it kills desire like Raid kills bugs!

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