
LJ - 2005-04-22 16:38:05
I don't have any words to say, only that I hurt deeply for you and wish that I could make it all better. On a side note - to hell with everyone and write what you damn well please here. It's your private Idaho! Ask your hubby NOT to read your diary right now, that you need a safe place to vent that is just that - a safe place to vent without condemnation! Hugs - LJ
GB - 2005-04-22 19:33:50
This may not really help you but can you not sue that company for defamation of character? I don't really know the laws in the states, but up here in Canada if someone gives you a bad reference they can be sued. Which is why many companies will no longer give out references, they will only say whether someone worked for them and sometimes if they are eligible for rehire. Otherwise it's all about personal references, cuz really, what company wants to be sued. Might be something to look into though, maybe not right this second cuz you have more important things to worry about but something to think about for when you are in a more stable position? Hopefully what your husband did (sending them all the documentation) will help. If I was the potential employer, I know it would make me take another look at hiring your husband. Good luck with everything.
cera-jeanne - 2005-04-22 21:02:12
It's hard to look at the bright side when nothing is shining at all...I hope things get better for you.
PoeticaL - 2005-04-22 23:11:37
I'm sorry. I would suggest he remove that company from his resume and resort to using something else on his resume. This company in Florida is probably not the first one that got bad feedback from them. And yes it's against the law but when you don't have a job it's hard to proceed against them. I would suggest what my ex-husband did once.....although I am shocked I just wrote that... He uses a company he set up with the government that is his own and inserts "own my own business" and "tended to my business" in areas of his resume when he worked somewhere where he does not want them to contact and chooses to leave them out. It worked for him.....even though it's a little dodgy and I never agreed. We originally moved to Florida because he put "Duquesne University" on his resume. He never attended any University and while I do not condone what he did I can only tell you he always got jobs he wanted. We when together moved to Florida via a company that paid for our entire move. He worked for them for 3 years and moved on on his own accord to another company doing the same thing. I can only say that it worked. However he does it...get that company OFF of his resume. I don't think trying to justify or explain to any hiring company will ever change their mind. They see only a red flag and they usually have another candidate without what they see as "issues". I know things seem bleak.....they will work out.
Des - 2005-04-23 00:34:47
I was going to say something along the lines of GB. They are not allowed to say things about him. They can say that he worked there and what not...but cannot make derogatory comments about him. It's against the law and leaves them upon to be sued. The fact is, they have ways around it..."off the record" and what not...but if the company actually TOLD him this...then, it's not so much 'off the record' is it?

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