
LJ - 2005-06-03 15:58:30
Do you need the < instead of the " to stope the /? Funny language that html, eh? Glad your settling in alright. Sad to hear you and hubby are still stressing on each other, but this too shall pass. You've barely been in a week. Moving sucks at the best of times. Chins up - LJ
PoeticaL - 2005-06-05 15:11:58
Those pictures of your trip brough back huge memories. I moved to Texas from PA when I was 20...drove the entire way. Then I moved back to PA 2 1/2 years later....drove the whole way (car in front...U-haul following...same scenario) Then moved from PA to FL...drove the whole way..dragging the car. Moves across the country are a thing that is something you can't relate to until you've done it. It's an exciting thing....and yet tiring. It's kinda cool to realize your whole life for thsoe days is just everything in that truck and everything in that car. I moved a child back and forth as well..he was 4 months old when we moved back to PA and 5 when we moved to FL. I just realized today how long I've been in Florida....the fiance is from IL and I'm sure someday we might actually move somewhere else. Once my son is of age of course. He's 12 now and he's moved more times than I can even begin to count. I think it's been fairly good for him..he can adjust to anything because of it. Either way...I'm glad you could move right back into your own house and that has worked out as it has.

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