
Moo - 2005-06-10 05:56:33
that was beautiful! I hoope she feels better soon and Im glad you're still loving your home! it looks beautiful xxx
LJ - 2005-06-10 13:23:23
I LOVE the windows across the front of your house. Lots of light. I'm glad you are feeling good about being back in your house. That's exciting. :-)
Fightn4life - 2005-06-11 23:13:05
Love your home. Wonderful kitchen too. Thanks for the nice send off, I had a great time knowing all was paid for but the classes were intense. I am so glad to be home to hubby and cats. Plus my life line between my loved ones and I that live so far away but remain close to my heart. Hope you feel better in the am. Sandyz

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