
Ingrid - 2005-06-18 00:47:52
(((hugs))) I hope you feel better soon!!
BOXX - 2005-06-18 10:17:38
Although the food problem is annoying, just think of it as a new fad diet. Your appetitie will return and then you'll wish you didn't like eating food so much. Yes? Been there, done that. ((((hugs)))) My Ex is here for Father's Day. I have a *few* resentments. I'm trying to focus on positive thinking. (repeat, repeat, repeat) See you in pogo!!!!!
Nikki - 2005-06-19 14:44:18
don't feel bad, i had an ear infection for two weeks straight and the antibiotics didn't realy start working until after i had finished the presecription. it will get better. i love you!!!! =)

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