
Fightn4life - 2005-06-21 11:02:49
I love reading your Diary...I feel like I am walking in your shoes, or feet...on the beach. Lord I miss Florida today. :) My daughter is due to have her baby soon, her third boy. Another blessing...another grandson. Sandyz
Ingrid - 2005-06-21 11:31:15
Yay! A birthday. What a cool day to have a birthday! Mine is in dreary (RAINY!) February - and, to be honest, that is not a very good time to have a birthday. But everyone celebrates on your b-day!
LJ - 2005-06-21 11:58:57
Whatever you end up doing on YOUR birthday, make sure to celebrate it with pinache! You and your family are starting a new grand chapter in the book of your life - do something extra special because you deserve a lot of fun! :-). And if its any consolation, on July 4th I'll be in a panel van travelling over 1,000 miles to go pick up stuff from my mom's place (in another province).
Nikki - 2005-06-21 12:38:54
I'm so glad that you're feeling better -- and I KNOW that you can make the beach thing happen! :)

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