
Fightn4life - 2005-06-28 11:20:49
I love your new layout. Colors for me are nice. Sorry about your Skittles, I being a cat lover understand hard choices. My prayers are with you and hubby on the possible new job. There too I can connect. My hubby is having a terrible down time having been off work almost a year. He is out today begging for something. My heart aches. Your sunburn...ouch! Sorry again. Now it's time for some great things to happen. have those adorable kids. Lucky you... :) Sandyz
LJ - 2005-06-28 11:48:47
I'm sorry to hear about Skittles. I've had to do the same thing a couple of years ago, and it breaks your heart. In regards to the hubby's job interview - call the company and ask where they are in the process of deciding. That shows them that he's serious about wanting the job. But then again, I don't know if I would call either. So ... forget my advice. :-) P.S. Happy belated birthday! LJ
Ingrid - 2005-06-28 12:57:23
Love the layout. Good luck on your husband's potential job!!! It sounds promising.
AlmostNormal - 2005-06-28 19:18:17
Love the new layout! So sorry about your kitty.
Jody (flyinby,hopeanew,laughinplace) - 2005-06-28 23:11:06
I used to live in Illinois, in Lockport, not far from Joliet. It's 30 miles south of Chicago, I think. I kinda miss it lately... podunk little town that it was .. . .

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