
Ingrid - 2005-07-07 00:10:54
You are very entertaining ;) I'm pretty sure that sunburn should have healed by now. Ouch. I'm a big baby when it comes to pain. I bitch about mosquito bites ;)
Melody - 2005-07-07 01:08:54
I think it takes about five to seven days for a severe sunburn to heal. However, I think your sunburn is severe enough to warrant a visit to the doctor about it. Of course since your husband just started working, that's probably not possible. :-( I wish there was some kind of great advice I could give, like, have you taken any general pain killers, such as aspirin? But I realize how lame that is. Sorry.
Beth - 2005-07-07 09:06:38
I freak myself out all the time. For a while I thought I was going crazy thinking that every car that drove past could potentially run over one of my kids and what would I do then - I'd even picture the weeks and months after...until I talked to my mom and she said she still thinks like that, and we're all grown. I think it's part of being a parent. Have you tried that stuff you keep in the fridge, what the hell is it called...I don't even remember. I am so useless. I'm sorry it hurts so bad, I hope it hasn't gotten infected.
Fightn4life - 2005-07-07 16:33:53
Time will help the sunburn. If it starts looking infected go right to the Dr. I think all parents/grandparents have panic moments worrying about what if some thing horrible happening to one of their children. This is just part of being a mom. The world is an often freaky place to live and if we get caught up in thinking about it, fear takes over. Enjoy every moment you have and always know God will help walk you through anything on life's path. From someone who has been down many a sorrowful road faith has been my walking stick through life. No matter what happens in ones life we get through, changed yes, but we keep walking. We know the only path back to those loved and lost to us is through our faith. Don't ponder these thoughts you will lose much precious time, live for today and let the Lord carry the burden of what might be. Sandyz

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