
moo - 2005-07-26 10:34:32
I know how that feels. We're trapped in a constant struggle to make money stretch and it's not because we're spending too much or not bringing enough in it's all catch up from previous years and such! :-( Please don't beat yourself up over it *hugs* you're a wonderful wife and an AMAZING mother... you do more than your best on a daily basis.. this happens to everyone. don't worry! xxx
BoXx - 2005-07-26 11:29:59
MONEY always causes *issues*. I had a really hard time learning to manage my money and live within a budget. Here's some advice that worked for me. Start a savings account. Get overdraft protection. NEVER let your balances get so low that you could bounce a check. Mistakes happen, we're all human. The moral of the story is to learn and improve.
second-love - 2005-07-26 23:32:33
ahhhhhhh go easy on yourself... it HAPPENS! You guys have had a tough time and it will take a bit to get everything under control. It'll work out :)))
Love-y - 2005-07-27 08:03:49
Just start crying on him,then he�ll be busy comforting you and nuzzling you and has no time being mad.Hehe.

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