
Kaire - 2005-09-22 11:40:58
Write down a list of what you want to discuss with your doctor. I did this and it made such a difference for ME. I always get out of there and think "geeze, I should have asked him about ________" This way you will have your points you want to make. Good luck and as someone who has a thyroid problem, I understand your concern about it. Better to have it checked. If you think the doctor needs more convincing about testing your thyroid, look online for signs of hypothyroidism and see how many of the symptoms fit you. That helps convince them it's more than you praying its the sole cause of your weight gain.
Amber - 2005-09-22 12:39:59
I'm proud of you for making the appointment (something I STILL have not done!). All of your symptoms do coincide with a thyroid problem. I would ask the doctor to run a thyroid panel. Most physicians are accomodating. Kaire's suggestions are good too.
Melody - 2005-09-22 12:45:13
Not bored at all! I think it's good that you're going to the doctor about it, and yes, I totally understand your fear. You don't want to be brushed off. You might have to replace your fear with a little bit of aggression. If the doctor tries to brush you off and push you out, say you're not going to BUDGE unless they give you something for all of the pain you're going through. If you feel it's important to get that exercising in, and it's necessary to get pain medicine to do it, then keep that in mind when you think that you might not get what you want at the doctor's office. Don't let them tell you, "It's all in your head." I've heard of a lot of doctors doing that, and believe me, you'll regret it for a long time if you let the doctor do that to you. Good luck! And good thinking about checking up on the thyroid problem too. A lot of people miss the thyroid problem, and I know that weight gain (no matter how hard you try) and lack of energy is associated with a thyroid problem as well. My mother just found out that she had a thyroid problem, but she's had it for a while and didn't know about it. It's good to find out about that as soon as possible, so that if it is a problem, you can get it treated.
babytales - 2005-09-22 16:57:02
I agree with making a list before seeing your doctor. I always used to clam up at the docs and forget what I wanted to say. So I now always make a list before going, it really does help. Best of luck hun xx
GB - 2005-09-22 19:01:16
Definitely write out a list of what you want to talk to him about and also write down a list of all symptoms you're having. This way you can't forget anything (just because you want to talk to him about X and Y doesn't mean you'll remember some symptoms that aren't directly related, ya know). I know others have already recommended writing everything down but whatever, lol. Good luck with the doctor's appointment.
whitecrow1 - 2005-10-09 23:33:16
sounds like you have sciatica and the only way you can ease the pain is to first take a muscle relaxer along with pain killers and do some stretching. A good physical therapist can help you with this. Yoga also helps as it is mostly stretching. The reason i know this is because I have sciatica and have gone thru all this before. Try not to sit too much. Exercise is fine once you have the pain under control but the nerve is so inflamed that exercise only worsens the problem. And your hair problem might just be all the stress you go thru. Being a nice person doesn't help your health issues. Tell people exactly how you feel and let them worry about their feelings. It's called a turn around. Feel better!!

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