
Jenn - 2006-05-05 19:47:33
Ouch. Sounds like you need some time alone. I always feel guilty when Riley is stressing me out too. Like somehow it's my fault that he's been a crazy monkey some days. But everyone gets stressed out by their kids and with all the stuff you've had going on (and on your mind) lately, it's only natural you'd be a little bit stressed. Hang in there! ♥
greenwitch - 2006-05-05 21:24:51
Stress stinks and it has the nasty habit of multiplying. Maybe whatever is going on in the kitchen isn't something to stress about. Maybe move the sharp knives out of reach and pull the knobs off the stove and don't sweat it. I am not making light of your concerns just suggesting there may be ways to solve the problem without a new gate or stressing out.... I hope you are feeling better very soon {{hug}}
hallie - 2006-05-08 13:15:27
Congratulations on the healthier lifestyle! I'm sorry the scale hasn't been showing a decrease in weight, but have you taken your measurements? Because if you're running around the house after rambunctious toddlers even more than usual, doing yoga, and working on the elyptical, you're probably building muscle. I would bet anything that you have actually lost weight in fat, and the scale just isn't showing it because you gained weight in muscle. Obviously, your concern about the thyroid thing is rational, and I don't want to sound dismissive of it. Just hoping to offer you a less scary possibility to consider.

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