
G - 2006-06-27 08:48:19
I grew up with arguing parents. It gets tiring, doesn't it? I know when I am arguing w/ either parent, afterwards, I just want to sleep.
Amber - 2006-06-27 09:04:19
Try not to let this get you down. I know it's hard. You made a very good point when you said that maybe you give him too much power. Don't give him the satisfaction of making you miserable! *hug*
Melody - 2006-06-27 09:56:39
Umm... If he feels like you've been down, then why oh why in the world would he talk to you like that? If I thought somebody felt miserable, my first reaction would be to find some way of making them feel better. Instead he reacts, "You're miserable, you do it on purpose, and as with anything that's your fault, I have permission to act miserable toward you." That is faulty logic! Even if it were just your way of thinking that caused you to be miserable, I would try to tell you to think of things in a different way, a way that wouldn't be so miserable... that's all. I would never just act miserable, and there is no logic to what he did, so if he claims any logic, just ignore it. More importantly, it's certainly not the way someone acts out of love! Just try to remember when he acts that way... You are NOT going crazy, and others would agree with you... He's the one acting crazy, just shooting down an idea without thinking it through or being willing to talk to you civilly about it. But, I guess dealing with occasional crap like that is part of being married; i.e., you get the bad part of people alongwith the good... In any case, I hope he gets his head on straight before he comes home to you and the kids.
greenwitch - 2006-06-27 10:25:04
Remember what you said about giving him too much power. The whole family thing is great but if he isn't into the activity and you are then maybe you need to hook up with a friend and take the kids to the water park. That is what I do and A. has been having great times and great memories since she was about 2. Every summer she can't wait to go to the water park with our friends. Not sure what to say about the shooting you down part but I sure know how you feel about not wanting to argue {{hug}}
LJ - 2006-06-27 12:36:59
Hugs - that's all I got - hugs.

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