
Jenn - 2006-07-25 18:39:46
I would think that in giving them a place to live, they should be thanking you - not expecting more from you. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes, I hope things smooth out soon! ♥
fightn4life - 2006-07-26 00:12:44
Lord how families can cut to the heart. You are not being selfish; you are like a Godsend to your family. I do not know how you continue to be sane and make it through each day. Please know you are special and don't let callus people bring you down, even family. My prayers are with you. Sandyz
Lerin - 2006-07-26 01:16:13
It is amazing that you recieve so much contempt for the help you've offered so far. I don't think it is "normal" to take every last favor and penny from your child and then act angry when she won't do more. Yes, help your family. But don't be a victim. They have to take responsibility for themselves. You aren't responsible for their financial situation.
Muse - 2006-07-26 07:47:15
You sound like me and my mother. I can completely empathise with the concept of loving someone so much but feeling like dirt when they push push push for more than you can possibly give. All I can say is know you're doing good, you've got your own children to care for. Your mother is old enough now to act like a responsible adult.

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