
Amber - 2007-01-21 10:59:58
Whatever you are on, can I have some please? I wish you well on your amazing journey.
Melody - 2007-01-21 12:53:54
That was a beautiful and profound dream! You are right on the mark about the need to bridge a gap between the old and the new. You have people on two, seemingly opposing sides in "Paganism." On the one side, there are the ones trying to dutifully emulate the past, elevating ancestors to godlike figures, perfect beings who are incapable of being wrong about anything. For one thing, history was not perfectly recorded, so it's difficult to just read books, and claim that you can fully reclaim the past. Besides that, if you suppose that you could emulate the past fully, would you really want every single aspect of it anyway? Do we have the right to pick and choose? Of course I think we do, but sometimes people get lost in the sense of duty of remaining loyal to our "ancestors." Then, on the other hand, you have these people that come out of nowhere with their ideas, getting labeled as "fluffy bunnies" because they try to follow their hearts but don't back themselves up with any research. It's hard to get respect that way sometimes, and besides that, doing some research can be useful and shouldn't be pushed aside either! Life isn't a "one-man" show, so we should rely on the wisdom of others sometimes, too. So I think you're on the right path with the idea of "bridging a gap." If you wrote a book about how to specifically do that, I bet it would be great! I would definitely read it.
greenwitch - 2007-01-21 16:06:29
What a wonderful dream. It seems you are growing into yourself and that can only be good. Too often people follow the path of others and fail to see themselves much less become strong in themselves. Forget about what others think. You are unique and should follow your own path.

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