
Amber - 2006-04-09 23:24:47
I could have written this entry myself. Psh, I probably DID write an entry just like this. Those 'stabbing questions' hurt. They hurt badly. M and I almost came to blows over this issue. I finally had to say to him, "look - I don't question the way you do your job or the timeframe you accomplish work tasks, so please don't question the way I complete MY job...unless you care to give me a very substantial raise". Hang in there. I'm proud of you for going to the gym especially. Jealous actually ;) You'll get through this!
Jenn - 2006-04-10 07:12:15
My husband says things in the same way. He insists that it's an innocent question and I always take it as an attack of some sort. The thing is, most of the time it's ME who is feeling guilty about not doing the laundry (or the dishes, or whatever) and when he mentions it at all I get pretty sensitive about it. Maybe your husband really means no harm. ♥
LJ - 2006-04-10 12:11:28
I say this in love... sometimes things are not about you. It sounds more like he's got something going on and he's taking it out on you. Like he's trying to pick a fight with you, or get a reaction from you. This is your husband, if you can't be honest with him and tell him how his actions are making you feel - who can you say this too. YOU are a most excellent wife, mother and woman, and if he's got a problem with that then you send him to us. We'll take care of him. :-) In the mean time, know that you are in my thoughts. Hugs - LJ
steffie - 2006-04-11 23:01:40
My husband does the same thing.. Well, I should say "did".. I did the same thing you did, I started exercising and he started in on me when I would drink a soda or my ALL time weakness, Red Diamon Iced Tea.. -slobberydrools- Anyway, I told him "hey, you know what? At least I dont weigh 400 pounds or let our house look like a pig-pen, because if you REALLY think it is that bad I cant SHOW you how bed it can get.. Besides you are one to talk mister '30 pounds overweight because i thought it was okay to eat Sonic food all the time'" Yeah, he backed off big time.. That was the only way I could make him stop because he is a super control freak.. Or maybe he is just in a bad mood for some other reason?? I really hope that you get to talk to him.. :)
f-i-n - 2006-04-14 10:29:58
My mom says she has two dishwashers--her hands and mine.

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