Just another day...

03.18.2003 at 12:10 p.m.

It finally feels like spring is here. Yesterday I spent most of outside, it was so nice for a change. I got to take my baby girl around and let the neighborhood finally meet her. I love the attention she gets, she is so special to me.

Yesterday afternoon, I got a wave of dizziness and nausea, as well as last night, and most of this morning. This could be one of three things: I'm coming down with something... or I'm pregnant (the preferred option)... or my mind is such a powerful thing that I have convinced myself I'm pregnant and my body is manifesting the symptoms. Well, I guess I get to be "in limbo" and not know for a little while longer.

I don't have much to say today. I got a lot accomplished on my house Friday, now I just have to make sure I don't get back into the same "rut" I was in before and start neglecting it again. The weekend was nuts, my stepdaughter was here until Saturday night, then my husband's band played a show. For my "in case of pregnancy" issues I had said I would have no more than 3 drinks, and really stretch them out... I had four - so I am really beating myself up over that. I just keep telling myself there are women in my position that are pregnant, but don't have ANY CLUE they are until they are "late" and have partied very hard in the "in between." That is supposed to make me feel better...

My husband has been making me uneasy the past few days also. He has been very self absorbed... but I don't really know if that is the right word. He gets this look on his face like he is in such a bad mood... that makes me nuts. I think it is the new medication he is on...

Well, I'm off to give my baby girl a bath, and then it is time for her to go to the Dr. for her 6 month check up, and shots *ouch* poor baby. I'll update more very soon!

Heard in my house:

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at www.imood.com


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