No more stove!

08.25.2003 at 12:08 p.m.

What a weekend! On Saturday I was wanting to do SOMETHING to the house to start to get it ready to pull the wood burning stove out next weekend... so I started to spackle and patch the spots that needed it - knowing they would need to dry and such before we could paint them - so it did not matter if it was done now... or later. I just needed to do something with it. We finally have the finances beginning to come in that we can get moving on the house repairs - and I just could not look at it any longer.

So, in light of that - my husband said he would pull "a few bricks" down from the wall... so we could get an idea of how much sheet rock we will have to buy and all - which was great because that meant I could start budgeting his check more accurately. Well... he pulls down a few bricks... and then some more - and it got to the point where he said "you know I could get this entire section today"... but that meant getting the stove out of there now - who was I to argue right? So, he got the stove dismantled and called the neighbor over to help him get it to the street... (the neighbor who was going to help us do all this next weekend) and the neighbor brought him a sledge hammer to use for it. (He had been doing it all with a hammer!) Suddenly the "testing the waters" project turned into the real thing! He got the entire wall done - and once he had the sledge hammer spared most of the sheet rock!

It's amazing how different the room looks! I am *SO* happy!! Now we just have one problem... apparently the neighbor was not as reliable as we had thought, and has "bowed out" of helping - at all. Now - I am good with stuff like this... but one thing I have no clue about is roofing. And we HAVE to pull the vent out of the roof and patch that (plywood... tar paper... shingles...?) before we can patch the inside. So we have to do that NOW. But now we have no neighbor to help. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have found someone able to help...

And in a quick follow up to one of my last posts... we did (he did) get the $250 credited back to our account... well, at least it should show up sometime this week. I'll write more on it later... right now I am going back to ripping up carpet padding!!!

Heard in my house:

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at


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