Happy 1st birthday, baby boy.

11.24.2004 at 11:19 a.m.

A year ago today... I was terrified. Terrified of what all laid ahead of me. My sweet baby boy was going to be born that night, and I had no idea how I could possibly love another child as much as I already loved my daughter. I even wrote a little about it.

And here I am. A year later. My babies are the most important things in the world to me, and my love for both of them grows more and more each day, even as I think I can't possible love anymore... I do. It just amazes me.

This year has gone by way too fast. He has grown so much, and is already doing so much. He has been running around the house for 2 months already now! He even seemed to know that today was special the moment he opened his eyes... he got a huge smile on his face, and has been smiling ever since. I can't wait to let him rip into his presents and such later.

Today we will also be getting our first snowfall here this year... and the first one here we have ever seen. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I LOVE the snow. I want to take my daughter out in it... and watch her react. She has never been able to play in the snow.. last year she was just too little to really "get" it. I am just so excited.

My husband is on a job interview right now. I hope it goes well. It won't pay what we need from what I know, or expect. But it will be something. The other job we thought was a "given" we have heard nothing back on. I am just trying to not think about it...

Instead I am thinking about the snow. The wonders my babies have shown me this past year, and the wonders to come. Tonight we will have great friends over for dinner and cake... and my little guy will open his presents. Then tomorrow will be fun... and Friday I will decorate for Christmas!

My little man got an early birthday kiss from his sister last night, and we got it on camera!!

Heard in my house: Lisa

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at www.imood.com


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