A trip to the mall.

12.18.2004 at 12:09 p.m.

Yesterday was a busy day. We decided to venture out to the mall. (People.... crowds... yikes...) But it was worth every second.

My little girl has grown so much - and I realized we really do need to get out more - as a family. My little girl was saying "Wats dat?" (What's that?) To EVERYTHING... and it was just so adorable.

She also got to throw her first penny into a fountain... along side her daddy. AND - my babies got to meet Santa - and didn't even cry!! We managed to get a good picture and all! My daughters hands aren't exactly still because she thinks Santa is REALLY cool... from a distance, but we at least GOT the picture!

Watching them so happy just made my day!

They were both just all smiles the rest of the day too! So, we HAVE to get out together more often.

Heard in my house: Lisa

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at www.imood.com


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