A quiet moment..

01.09.2005 at 3:23 p.m.

My son has said his first official word... that isn't "adadadadadada" - and it is "Cooper." It comes out "upa!!!" But we KNOW that is indeed, what he is saying. Apparently we yell Cooper's name (the mutt dog we have, not Neo the Shepherd) enough that it has rubbed off... and over the past few days when we would yell "Cooper!!" to get him to stop licking his feet, or scratching his rear, my baby boy has chimed right in with us with a loud "UPA!!!" So yesterday my husband put two and two together. I just think that is so cute. And he is growing so fast. My daughters first word, aside from "mamama" and "dadada" was "Uh-oh!" and she would pick something up and drop it just so she could say it too!

Her choice for the next words she learned was the phrase "oh shit!" Yes... it was all my fault - and she still manages to say it at just the "right" moments too. Hopefully she stops soon... and I hope my baby boy picks a different set of words to learn next!

My daughter has also recently taken to calling my husband.. her daddy... "hun" - this is also my fault. I assume when she is there I need to start referring to him as "daddy" but its just such a darn habit. So now... I am mommy... and he is hun. I have to laugh at it... because I know she will figure it out soon enough.

I added a link to a neat photo blog I created down below the navigation bar. My husband found it and I had to make one. I have been wanting a neat way to show off my munchkins for so long... they are everything to me!

Aside from that, I have nothing else of much interest to say. So, until next time...

You are Peace.

You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
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Heard in my house: Lisa

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at www.imood.com


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