Various ramblings

04.04.2005 at 3:51 p.m.

I think I have calmed down from my initial reaction the other day of wanting to just go off on my landlord. Now, my desire to just hurry up and get the hell out of here has taken over.

Later today, or tomorrow I am sending my husband off on a box hunt. Last year in moving here, we spent all this money on boxes from the local U-haul store... well, in the 11th hour we ran out, and needed more quickly... but with the way these things always work out, for whatever reason the U-haul store was closed. So, he went to the grocery store, and I learned a valuable lesson... those boxes (the ones they get their stock in and then will just throw out) are just as good, if not better than the ones you pay for at the U-haul place, and they give them to you! Then I am going to start packing... just so we have everything really ready to go in a moments notice, for whenever we get the word that our tenants have left...

That's really all I have to say for now... not even sure it actually warrants and entry... but what the heck I will post it anyway. Along with my newest creations. (I'm so proud of myself!)

In case your wondering, he did not fall flat on his face coming off the slide... he was just in such a hurry to go around and climb back up again, he sort of scurried over the edge! I took these pictures yesterday, I did my daily walk, and managed to drag my husband along, so we were able to take both my munchkins, and stopped at the school playground on the way. I added more individual shots to my buzznet too!

Heard in my house: Good girl Daddy! (THAT was even funnier than the other days Good girl mommy comment!)

Something Extra: The diary of an amazing friend.

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at


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