
12.29.2003 at 1:38 p.m.

Christmas was truly wonderful this year. It was, to me, everything Christmas should be. We got up on Christmas morning and had breakfast... then I held our son (who does not care about "presents" yet) in my lap on the floor while my husband did his best to direct our daughter to open her presents. (And being only 15 months old, she only kind of cared about the presents herself!)

It was just very, very nice... and I did get something to open!! My husbands office had given him a $50 gift certificate... so what did he do? He used it on me. He gave me a necklace... with a little girl with a triangle sapphire dress (my daughter's birthstone) and a little boy with an oval citrine outfit (my son's birthstone). He knew I wanted something with their birthstones in it... so it was the best thing I could possibly get! Everything was just so nice and peaceful...

And... I made a Turkey! Growing up every year we had Turkey on Thanksgiving, and then again on Christmas, because the following week on New Year's Day we always had ham... so for the first year I made turkey on Christmas Day. Just for us. No rushing... no stress from company... no worrying about who would show up at the door with a chip on their shoulder (which is always how Thanksgiving seems to go) just myself... my husband and two children. It was the best possible Christmas I could have asked for.

My husband has also done something amazing for me... from the 11th of January to the 15th, he has to go to California on business (yes... I am thrilled) But... to try to ease my stress, etc. he somehow managed to pull in the money to fly in... not JUST my brother... but my mother as well. They will be an immense help to me while he is gone. They will get here the day before he leaves... and leave the day after he gets back.

I know it's been a while since I updated... so I am sure there are things I forgot to say... I'll just have to come back later for them though!

Heard in my house:

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at


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