Kudos to you if you read this entire thing!!

01.02.2004 at 12:26 p.m.

I got this from La-the-sage...

LAYER ONE: On The Outside

Name = Lisa

Birth date = July 4, 1980

Birthplace = Magnolia, TX

Current Location = Long Island, NY

Eye Color = Blue

Hair Color = Blonde

Height = 5'8�

Righty or Lefty = Lefty

Zodiac Sign = Cancer

LAYER TWO: On The Inside

Your heritage = Irish, German, Supposedly there is some Cherokee Indian in there as well... both my parents were adopted, so I only know what I have been able to dig up. (And it's not been easy.)

Shoes you wore today = None yet, I'm sure I'll wear my sneakers before the day is over.

Your fears = Anything hurting my children, and the sounds the house makes in the silence of the night.

Your perfect pizza = Either nice and simple with pepperoni and cheese... and a nice thin crust, OR one with the toppings piled so high and thick you have to eat it with a fork. (just absolutely no pineapple on my pizza, please).

Goal you'd like to achieve = I have lots... mainly places I would like to see. More important than any of that though, I want to see my children achieve every goal and dream they have.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Your most overused phrase on AIM = I'm not sure... I'll have to ask my husband. He is the main one I talk to online, and the main thing I ask him is: "what time will you be home?"

Your thoughts first waking up = What time is it? ...just 5 more minutes please...

Your best physical feature = I guess I would have to say my eyes.

Your bedtime = Which one? Normally I go to bed between 10pm and midnight... and the rest all depends on the baby!


Pepsi or Coke = Absolutely: Coke. Pepsi is too sweet to me.

McDonald's or Burger King = Burger King

Single or group dates = Single

Adidas or Nike = I have never owned either brand... just give me the $10 payless special and I am good to go!

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea = Lipton Iced Tea - with no lemon.

Chocolate or vanilla = Chocolate!!!

Cappuccino or coffee = Cappuccino... my favorite "coffee house" drink though is a Chai.


Smoke = Nope

Cuss = Oh yes.

Sing = Ha! (Sometimes when I am alone driving... when I turn the radio up loud enough so even *I* can't hear my squawking!)

Take a shower everyday = I try. (I have a toddler and a new born... you think I am a miracle worker?)

Have a crush(es) = Not in a very long time.

Think you've been in love = Absolutely.

Like(d) high school = It was ok. I didn't actually go much though...

Want to get married = I am married.

Believe in yourself = I try.

Get motion sickness = Very, very rarely.

Think you're attractive = In a couple months (and 20 lbs from now)

Think you're a health freak = Nope.

Get along with your parents = This is a trick question.

Like thunderstorms = Love 'em!

Play an instrument = No

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...

Drank alcohol = Yes

Smoked = Nope

Done a drug = Just postpartum pain pills.

Made Out = I guess so...

Gone on a date = Does my husband's Christmas party count?

Gone to the mall = No

Eaten an entire box of Oreos = No - I don't like Oreos

Eaten sushi = No - I don't like sushi either

Been on stage = No

Been dumped = No

Gone skating = No, have not gone skating in YEARS.

Gone skinny dipping = In December? In NY? I shower naked, does that count? (I stole LA's answer here!!)

Dyed your hair = Not in the past month... or the past year +. I had it auburn for a while a couple of years ago though.

Stolen anything = No


Played a game that required removal of clothing = Yep

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated = Yep.

Been caught "doing something" = A couple of times.

Been called a tease = Yep.

Gotten beaten up = No

Shoplifted = Yes, as a teenager - and I got caught too.

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older

Age you hope to be married = I was 18 when I married my husband.

Numbers and Names of Children = I have never mentioned my children's names here before... my daughter Jillian is 15 1/2 months old, and my son Aidan is almost 6 weeks old.

Describe your dream wedding = Small. Sort of the way mine was... though an actual wedding dress would have been a nice touch. The honey moon is the fun part.

How do you want to die = I want to live forever.

What do you want to be when you grow up = Right now I am doing exactly what I want to do... I am home with my children.

What country(ies) would you most like to visit = I want to go EVERYWHERE. But I am terrified of flying.

LAYER NINE: In a boy/girl

Best eye color? = Doesn't matter.

Best hair color? = Doesn't matter.

Short or long hair = The longer, the better. (Just neat and well kept.)

Height = Height does not matter much either to me. It's what is on the inside that counts.

Best articles of clothing = Well fitting jeans.

Best first date location = I have not gone on one of those in a long time... so I forget. Dinner and a movie is always a winner though.

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...

Number of drugs taken illegally = You mean I was supposed to count them? (*Note: that was a long time ago and I am a much different person now).

Number of people I could trust with my life = My 2 children... though they are too little to help out in a crisis... and, my husband.

Number of CDs that I own = I used to have a huge collection... then it was stolen from my car. I probably have between 10 & 20 scattered around now.

Number of piercings = 1 in each ear.

Number of tattoos = None.

Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = I think 3.

Number of scars on my body = Quite a few... but they are tiny.

Number of things in my past that I regret = I regret very little. I have tried to make that a point in my life.

Thanks LA!! I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year too!!

Heard in my house:

Something Extra:

Feeling: The current mood of lostinmylove at www.imood.com


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